今天为了检查防盗链配置,打开了squid的debug日志(squid.conf: debug_options ALL,9)。tailf观察,很是学习了一番squid的工作模式。

1、空闲时日志也一直在滚动,诸如“do_comm_select: 0 fds ready”、“storeDirClean: Cleaning directory /tmpfs/cache/03/2D”这样,第一个很显然就是表示TCPsocket可以accept请求;第二个是定期清除过期目录;


2010/11/09 19:18:18 fd_open FD 15 HTTP Request  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 httpAccept: FD 15: accepted port 80 client  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x7589c8  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 comm_add_close_handler: FD 15, handler=0x4218f0, data=0x9a14f8  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x9a14f8  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 commSetTimeout: FD 15 timeout 300  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 commSetSelect: FD 15 type 1  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 commSetEvents(fd=15)  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 comm_call_handlers(): got fd=15 read_event=1 write_event=0 F->read_handler=0x423370 F->write_handler=(nil)  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 comm_call_handlers(): Calling read handler on fd=15  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientReadRequest: FD 15: reading request…  
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x9a14f82010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataValid: 0x9a14f8


2010/11/09 19:18:18 Parser: retval 1: from 0->68: method 0->2; url 4->57; version 59->67 (1/0)
2010/11/09 19:18:18 parseHttpRequest: Method is ‘GET’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 parseHttpRequest: URI is ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 parseHttpRequest: req_hdr = {Referer: http://w.china.com

User-Agent: Wget/1.10.2 (Red Hat modified)

Accept: /

Host: shanzhai.china.com


2010/11/09 19:18:18 parseHttpRequest: prefix_sz = 183, req_line_sz = 69
2010/11/09 19:18:18 parseHttpRequest: Request Header is


Referer: http://w.china.com

User-Agent: Wget/1.10.2 (Red Hat modified)

Accept: /

Host: shanzhai.china.com


2010/11/09 19:18:18 parseHttpRequest: Complete request received
2010/11/09 19:18:18 commSetTimeout: FD 15 timeout 86400
2010/11/09 19:18:18 init-ing hdr: 0x9604f8 owner: 1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 parsing hdr: (0x9604f8)

Referer: http://w.china.com

User-Agent: Wget/1.10.2 (Red Hat modified)

Accept: /

Host: shanzhai.china.com


2010/11/09 19:18:18 creating entry 0x9a5610: near ‘Referer: http://w.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 created entry 0x9a5610: ‘Referer: http://w.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 adding entry: 45 at 0
2010/11/09 19:18:18 creating entry 0x847c10: near ‘User-Agent: Wget/1.10.2 (Red Hat modified)’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 created entry 0x847c10: ‘User-Agent: Wget/1.10.2 (Red Hat modified)’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 adding entry: 50 at 1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 creating entry 0x9a4d20: near ‘Accept: /
2010/11/09 19:18:18 created entry 0x9a4d20: ‘Accept: /
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 adding entry: 0 at 2
2010/11/09 19:18:18 creating entry 0x9a1cb0: near ‘Host: shanzhai.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 created entry 0x9a1cb0: ‘Host: shanzhai.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 adding entry: 27 at 3
2010/11/09 19:18:18 removing 183 bytes; conn->in.offset = 0
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 lookup for 20
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientSetKeepaliveFlag: http_ver = 1.0
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientSetKeepaliveFlag: method = GET
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 lookup for 41
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 lookup for 9
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 lookup for 52
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 lookup for 41
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 lookup for 9
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 lookup for 59
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x734ed8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x9a14f8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x9a17a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataValid: 0x734ed8





2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheck: checking ‘http_access allow swfs !notnull_refer’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: checking swfs
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAcl: checking ‘acl swfs url_regex -i ^http://flash.shanzhai.china.com/swfsimple/com/china/ceuf/map/.*.swf’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: checking ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: looking for ‘^http://flash.shanzhai.china.com/swfsimple/com/china/ceuf/map/.*.swf’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x734b68
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataUnlock: 0x734ed8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataValid: 0x734b68
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheck: checking ‘http_access deny pics !notnull_refer’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: checking pics
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAcl: checking ‘acl pics url_regex -i .(jpg gif jpeg png mp3 smi wma swf)$’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: checking ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: looking for ‘.(jpg gif jpeg png mp3 smi wma swf)$’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: match ‘.(jpg gif jpeg png mp3 smi wma swf)$’ found in ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuid


2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: checking !notnull_refer
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAcl: checking ‘acl notnull_refer referer_regex .’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: checking ‘http://w.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: looking for ‘.’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: match ‘.’ found in ‘http://w.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x735308
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataUnlock: 0x734b68
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataValid: 0x735308
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheck: checking ‘http_access deny pics !domain_refer’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: checking pics
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAcl: checking ‘acl pics url_regex -i .(jpg gif jpeg png mp3 smi wma swf)$’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: checking ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: looking for ‘.(jpg gif jpeg png mp3 smi wma swf)$’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: match ‘.(jpg gif jpeg png mp3 smi wma swf)$’ found in ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuid


2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: checking !domain_refer
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAcl: checking ‘acl domain_refer referer_regex -i ^http://[^/]china.com ^http://124.238.253.
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: checking ‘http://w.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: looking for ‘^http://[^/]*china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchRegex: match ‘^http://[^/]*china.com’ found in ‘http://w.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x7355a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataUnlock: 0x735308
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataValid: 0x7355a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheck: checking ‘http_access allow Safe_ports Domain’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: checking Safe_ports
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAcl: checking ‘acl Safe_ports port 80’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: checking Domain
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAcl: checking ‘acl Domain dstdomain .china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchDomainList: checking ‘shanzhai.china.com’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchDomainList: ‘shanzhai.china.com’ found
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: returning 1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheck: match found, returning 1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataUnlock: 0x7355a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheckCallback: answer=1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataValid: 0x9a17a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 The request GET http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif is ALLOWED, because it matched ‘Domain’




2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientRedirectStart: ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientRedirectDone: ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’ result=NULL
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientStoreURLRewriteStart: ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientStoreURLRewriteDone: ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’ result=NULL



2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientInterpretRequestHeaders: REQ_NOCACHE = NOT SET
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientInterpretRequestHeaders: REQ_CACHABLE = SET
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientInterpretRequestHeaders: REQ_HIERARCHICAL = SET


2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientProcessRequest: GET ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 0x9604f8 lookup for 53
2010/11/09 19:18:18 storeGet: looking up 15EBB8A96296D7407EA1D03F075666BC
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientProcessRequest2: default HIT
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientProcessRequest: TCP_HIT for ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 storeLockObject: (client_side.c:3544): key ‘15EBB8A96296D7407EA1D03F075666BC’ count=1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 storeAufsDirRefObj: referencing 0x753680 0/272
2010/11/09 19:18:18 storeLockObject: (store_client.c:122): key ‘15EBB8A96296D7407EA1D03F075666BC’ count=2
2010/11/09 19:18:18 storeAufsDirRefObj: referencing 0x753680 0/272
2010/11/09 19:18:18 storeClientCopy: 15EBB8A96296D7407EA1D03F075666BC, seen 0, want 0, size 4096, cb 0x41dd90, cbdata 0x9a17a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x9a17a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x9a2178
2010/11/09 19:18:18 storeClientCopy2: 15EBB8A96296D7407EA1D03F075666BC
2010/11/09 19:18:18 storeClientCopy3: Copying from memory
2010/11/09 19:18:18 stmemCopy: offset 0: size 4096
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataValid: 0x9a17a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientCacheHit: http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif = 200



2010/11/09 19:18:18 refreshCheck: ‘http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 FRESH: expires 1320836796 >= check_time 1289301498
2010/11/09 19:18:18 Staleness = -1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 refreshCheck: Matched ‘ 0 20% 259200'
2010/11/09 19:18:18 refreshCheck: age = 702
2010/11/09 19:18:18    check_time:    Tue, 09 Nov 2010 11:18:18 GMT
2010/11/09 19:18:18    entry->timestamp:  Tue, 09 Nov 2010 11:06:36 GMT
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientCacheHit: refreshCheckHTTPStale returned 0
2010/11/09 19:18:18 clientCacheHit: HIT



……2010/11/09 19:18:18 destroying entry 0x9a4cc0: ‘Connection: keep-alive’
……2010/11/09 19:18:18 created entry 0x9a4c60: ‘Connection: close’



2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheck: checking ‘http_reply_access allow all’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: checking all
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAcl: checking ‘acl all src’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchIp: ‘’ found
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclMatchAclList: returning 1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheck: match found, returning 1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataUnlock: 0x731988
2010/11/09 19:18:18 aclCheckCallback: answer=1
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataValid: 0x9a17a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 The reply for GET http://shanzhai.china.com/images/simple/siteGuideR.gif is ALLOWED, because it matched ‘all’
2010/11/09 19:18:18 packing sline 0x9a5010 using 0x7fffdb895d10:
2010/11/09 19:18:18 HTTP/1.1 200 OK



2010/11/09 19:18:18 packing hdr: (0x9a5028)
2010/11/09 19:18:18 comm_write: FD 15: sz 362: hndl 0x424d60: data 0x9a17a8.
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataLock: 0x9a17a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 commSetSelect: FD 15 type 2
2010/11/09 19:18:18 commSetEvents(fd=15)
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataUnlock: 0x9a17a8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataUnlock: 0x9a14f8
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataFree: 0x846f18
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataFree: Freeing 0x846f18
2010/11/09 19:18:18 cbdataUnlock: 0x9a17a8