上redhat官网看资料的时候想起来上面有RHCE报名前的技能水平测试(用来预估水平,省掉一些基础课程的)。然后做了一下试试。地址如右:http://www.redhat.com/explore/pre-assessment 结果如下:
Topic | Evaluation |
Essential Command-Line Operations | Deep Understanding |
Managing Simple Partitions and Filesystems | Some Understanding |
Managing User Accounts | Substantial Knowledge |
Tuning and Maintaining the Kernel | Some Understanding |
Enhance User Security | Familiarity |
BASH Scripting and Tools | Familiarity |
* The results represent a subset of the knowledge in the curriculum.
Recommendation RHCSA Rapid Track Course with Exam (RH200) Red Hat System Administration III with RHCSA and RHCE Exams (RH255) 发现用win做个人桌面使用,对考rhc*还是有影响的——不少题是窗口应用的~