上redhat官网看资料的时候想起来上面有RHCE报名前的技能水平测试(用来预估水平,省掉一些基础课程的)。然后做了一下试试。地址如右:http://www.redhat.com/explore/pre-assessment 结果如下:

Topic Evaluation
Essential Command-Line Operations Deep Understanding
Managing Simple Partitions and Filesystems Some Understanding
Managing User Accounts Substantial Knowledge
Tuning and Maintaining the Kernel Some Understanding
Enhance User Security Familiarity
BASH Scripting and Tools Familiarity

* The results represent a subset of the knowledge in the curriculum.

Recommendation RHCSA Rapid Track Course with Exam (RH200) Red Hat System Administration III with RHCSA and RHCE Exams (RH255) 发现用win做个人桌面使用,对考rhc*还是有影响的——不少题是窗口应用的~