接上篇,加上分发过程查看的页面。这应该是一个很典型的翻页处理。 首先创建一个数据库表如下: mysqlcreate table websync_peer ( id int not null auto_increment primary key, begin_time timestamp not null default 0, end_time timestamp on update current_timestamp, url varchar(128) not null, customer varchar(20) not null, md5_hex char(32) default null ) engine=innodb; 然后把之前的peer_query()函数修改如下: perlsub peer_query { my $url = shift; #这里的database和session都需要其他plugin的配合,见之前博客,不贴重复代码了 my $sth = database->prepare('insert into websync_peer (begin_time, url, customer) value (now(), ?, ?)'); $sth->execute($url, session->{login}); }; 然后把gearman::client的功能改到mysql的UDFs内完成,做法见。 然后写翻页函数了~ perlget '/check' => sub { my $from = params->{page} || 1; my $user = session->{login}; my @urls; my $count_sql = 'select count(id) count from websync_peer where customer = ?'; my $count_sth = database->prepare($sql); $count_sth->execute( $user ); my $count = $count_sth->fetchrow_hashref->{count}; my $total_pages = int( $count / 20 + 1 ); return 'No url has been posted to purge.' unless $count; return 'Selected page number out of range.' if $from > $total_pages; my $url_sql = 'select id,url,begin_time from websync_peer where customer = ? order by id desc limit ?, 20'; my $url_sth = database->prepare($sql); $url_sth->execute( $user, ($from - 1) * 20 ); while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { push @urls, $ref; }; template 'check', { 'urls' => \@urls, 'prev' => $from > 1 ? $from - 1 : 1, 'next' => $from < $total_pages ? $from + 1 : $total_pages, 'last' => $total_pages, }; }; 对应的check.tt如下: ```html<html><head>


<% FOREACH ref IN urls %> <% END %>
<% ref.id %> <% ref.begin_time %> <% ref.url %> more

</body></html>``` 额,傻乎乎的css,好难看,好难写啊…… 下一步继续修改mysql表结构,然后完成页面里提供的/checkstatus功能。