今天先说IPC::Locker模块。部署很简单,直接在集群所有节点上运行cpanm IPC::Locker即可。该模块依赖几个都是perl的核心模块比如IO::Socket::INET、IO::Poll和POSIX。所以理论上你也可以把代码打个包分发。
其实代码很简单,看看就明白,无非就是lockerd用的IPC::Locker::Server是启动了一个IO::Socket::INET做tcp server,主要维护几个东西,一个是@{$self->{lock}}列表,一个是@{$self->{host}}列表,一个是$self->{locked}的Bool值。
观察一下,结果是在serverB和serverD上同时在执行echo “OK”。而serverC被lock住了。继续:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use vars qw ($Debug);
use Furl;
use IO::File;
use Getopt::Long;
use IPC::Locker;
use IPC::PidStat;
my $pscount = `ps aux|grep -v grep|grep $0|wc -l`;
print "Already run, waiting for lock now" and exit unless $pscount == 1;
my %server_params = (lock=>[]);
my $cluserv;
$Debug = 0;
Getopt::Long::config ("require_order");
if (! GetOptions (
"dhost=s" => sub {shift; $server_params{host} = shift;},
"cluster=s" => sub {shift; push @{$server_params{lock}}, split(':',shift);},
"port=i" => sub {shift; $server_params{port} = shift;},
"timeout=i" => sub {shift; $server_params{timeout} = shift;},
"verbose!" => sub {shift; $server_params{verbose} = shift;},
"debug" => \&debug,
"service=s" => \$cluserv,
)) {
die "%Error: Bad usage, see lockersh --help\n";
$#{$server_params{lock}}>=0 or die "%Error: --cluster not specified; see lockersh --help\n";
# Fork once to start parent process
my $foreground_pid = $$; # Unlike most forks, the job goes in the parent
# Do this while we still have STDERR.
my $lock = new IPC::Locker (verbose=>0,
$lock or die "%Error: Did not connect to lockerd,";
if (my $pid = fork()) { # Parent process, foreground job
print "\tForeground: $cluserv\n" if $Debug;
# The child forks again quickly. Sometimes, SIG_CHLD leaks to us and
# wrecks the exec'd command, so wait for it now.
my $rv = waitpid($pid, 0);
if ($rv != $pid) {
die "%Error: waitpid() returned $rv: $!";
} elsif ($?) {
die "%Error: Child process died with status $?,";
print "Exec in $$\n" if $Debug;
#else, rest is for child process.
# Disassociate from controlling terminal
POSIX::setsid() or die "%Error: Can't start a new session: $!";
# Change working directory
chdir "/";
open(STDIN, "+>/dev/null") or die "%Error: Can't re-open STDIN: $!";
if (!$Debug) {
open(STDOUT, "+>&STDIN");
open(STDERR, "+>&STDIN");
# Prevent possibility of acquiring a controlling terminal
exit(0) if fork();
# Wait for child to complete. We can't waitpid, as we're not the parent
while (IPC::PidStat::local_pid_exists($foreground_pid)) { sleep 1; }
print "Parent $foreground_pid completed\n" if $Debug;
# Unlock
$lock->unlock; $lock=undef;
print "Child exiting\n" if $Debug;
sub debug {
$Debug = 1;
$IPC::Locker::Debug = 1;
sub service {
my $cluserv = shift;
die "Only support squid now!" unless $cluserv eq "squid";
die "Reload failed. Check squid.conf!" if eval "${cluserv}_reload";
while (1) {
my $hit_rate = eval "${cluserv}_check";
notify "HIT Ratio: ${hit_rate}% now.\n";
exit if $hit_rate > 50;
sleep 300;
sub squid_check {
my $hit_rate;
print "Run squid_check" if $Debug;
my $squid_port = `awk '/^http_port/{print $2}' /etc/squid/squid.conf`;
open my $fh, "squidclient -p ${squid_port} mgr:info |";
while (<$fh>) {
next unless /^\s+Request Hit Ratios:\s+5min:\s*(-?\d+\.\d)%,/;
print "regex $1" if $Debug;
$hit_rate = $1;
close $fh;
return $hit_rate;
sub squid_reload {
print "Reload squid daemon. Do not reload within 10 mins of squid start" if $Debug;
system("squid", "-k", "reconfigure");
return $?;
sub notify {
my $furl = Furl->new(agent => "Clustrol/0.1");
[ data => "$_" ],