package cachemoni;
use Dancer ‘:syntax’;
use Dancer::Plugin::Database;
use POSIX qw(strftime);

get ‘/xml’ => sub {
my $begin_time = date_format(params->{begin});
my $end_time = date_format(params->{end});
my $type = params->{type};
my $color = { chinacache => ‘1D8BD1’,
dnion => ‘F1683C’,
fastweb => ‘2AD62A’,
my $xml_head = “\n\n"; my $group; if ( $type eq 'time' ) { $group = 'cur_date'; } elsif ( $type eq 'isp' ) { $group = 'isp'; } elsif ( $type eq 'area' ) { $group = 'area'; } else { return 'Error'; }; my $xml = cdn_select($begin_time, $end_time, $group, $color, $xml_head); return $xml; };

sub get_area_code {
my $file = shift;
my $area_code = { ‘0000’ => ‘其他’ };
open my $fh,’<’,”$file” or die “Cannot open $file”;
while (<$fh>) {
my($area,$code) = split;
$area_code->{“$code”} = “$area”;
close $fh;
return $area_code;

sub cdn_select {
my ($begin_time, $end_time, $group, $color, $xml) = @_;
my $sql = “SELECT ${group},AVG(avg_time) avg FROM cdn_cron_record WHERE cdn = ? AND cur_date BETWEEN ? AND ? GROUP BY ${group} ORDER BY ${group}”;
my $sth = database->prepare($sql);
my $i = 0;
for my $cdn (qw{chinacache dnion fastweb}) {
$sth->execute($cdn, $begin_time, $end_time);
unless($i) {
my @values;
while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my ($avg_time, $type) = ($ref->{‘avg’}, $ref->{“$group”});
$xml .= “\n”;
push @values, $avg_time;
$xml .= “</category>\n”;
$xml .= “\n"; $xml .= "\n" for @values; $xml .= "\n”;
} else {
$xml .= “\n"; while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { $xml .= "\n"; }; $xml .= "\n”;
$xml .= ‘</graph>’;
return $xml;

sub convert_group {
my ($group, $origin) = @_;
if ($group eq ‘cur_date’) {
return $origin;
} elsif ($group eq ‘isp’) {
my @isplist = qw(其他 电信 联通 移动 教育网);
return $isplist[$origin];
} elsif ($group eq ‘area’) {
my $arealist = get_area_code(‘quhao.txt’);
my $code = sprintf(“%04s”,$origin);
return $arealist->{$code};
} else {
return ‘Error’;

sub date_format {
my $time = shift;
return strftime(“%F %H:%M”,localtime($time)) if $time =~ m/\d+/;
}; 用curl请求一下,如下: bash[root@naigos ~]# curl ‘http://cache.monitor.china.com/xml?begin=1311739200&end=1311840000&type=time’

``` 换个area参数试试: ```bash[root@naigos lib]# curl 'http://cache.monitor.china.com/xml?begin=1311739200&end=1312169668&type=area' ``` 呃,上面用的数据只是我自己insert的,所以出现了比较囧的条数不一致……